Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween (Vegan Nugget Style)

All seriousness aside, this is the end of my 6th month of turning Vegan, and I'm happy to report that my continued evolution is going well. I'm sure there are will be a number of new topics I will strive to seek clarity on, and confusing and stressful times ahead. But there are also going to be an abundance of good times, and sweet moments that I look forward to sharing.  This is one of them, my Vegan Nugget Pumpkin Sam.  He is the Vegan of the future (lets hope).

Wishing a Happy Halloween to everyone, especially all my new Vegan friends.  I sincerely believe that you are playing a major role in helping me through this transition.  I appreciate all of your love and support.

Happy Halloween!


  1. That's the cutest pumpkin ever!

  2. OMG, I'm not even all that fond of kids and I want to eat that Sam up! Super-pumpkin cute! (and congrats on six months vegan! I'm eight/nine months vegan...we're on the same journey!)

  3. thanks for the comments. he is indeed cute. i should note that i had little control over that :)
